Anxiety for days

 So we will get a tad personal about myself with this blog. How many of y’all suffer with anxiety? Show of hands?? Mine is straight up! Anxiety can get the best of us sometimes but we can handle it to the best of our abilities. Now it may be medication that helps us, taking a hot bath, a weighted blanket, or even a really tight hug from someone we love.

I deal with different levels of anxiety at times. Sometimes I don’t even know why i am anxious and it sucks trying to explain that to someone. Lately I have had some small triggers from a previous situation I was in that set me off at times and it's hard to come out of it but I am slowly learning that I am safe now. Gypsy danger has learned my triggers and what helps me get out of my anxiety attacks. He has also learned what comforts me throughout the day to help me not go into my anxiety’s attacks. Those things he has paid attention to and learned from have helped me tremendously! 

Honestly I just had an anxiety attack last night (Tuesday) and it was due to my brain overloading with information and memories that I didn’t want to remember, so my body's way of getting me to stop was throwing me into an attack. Of course it had to be right in the middle of dinner with Gypsy Danger and his family but I was able to pull myself out of it. I really hate when they happen when I am eating because it makes me lose my entire appetite and I just can’t eat. Not eating for me can cause a whole bunch of other issues due to my Autoimmune disease and that I am a Transplant patient. Eating food is a big deal for Transplant patients due to the fact we have to keep a healthy body in order for our new organ to be happy and function properly. 

Now back to my anxiety attack issues… Last night’s attack wasn’t a very bad one. I have had way worse ones and I don’t think Gypsy Danger saw the one from last night (which is okay!). Sometimes I need to deal with them on my own in order to learn more about myself and how to handle the attacks better. Which I have learned a lot about anxiety and what triggers me in the last 3+ months. Honestly though Gypsy Danger has been the best help with them. He slows my heart rate down, gets me to think of something else, grounds me, reminds me that I am safe and of course gets me to smile. Those things are honestly some of the best things for me. I am a really lucky woman to have him in my life.

So let me ask this question though, How do y’all deal with them? When you see it coming from a mile away how do y’all stop it or make it hit less and not cause so much of an issue?? Please feel free to comment below and answer these questions because I am 100% open to new ways I could handle them for myself. I know there is medication for it, and I have been on them before but I am currently not on anything for it. Sometimes I felt the medication did more harm than good for me so it was easier to just get off it and learn to handle it on my own. Lately though I have been thinking about getting on my medication again but a lower dose and just see how it goes. 

Anywho I 100% understand anxiety sucks! I wish there was more that we could do for one another during those dark moments we all face during those attacks… Just know that I understand and am open to talk to whoever needs a listening ear. I don’t mind the time of day or the time of night (I have bad insomnia) or what is going on. I am here for y’all. Just like my Gypsy Danger is here for me 100%. I mean it with all my heart. 

My goal is still to post once a week lol!

So share with your friends,

Leave a comment, and

Stay a while!!

I love y’all

Love, Kayla


  1. I love how you are open to change and advice! I don't personally suffer from anxiety, but I know people who do. Having someone there for you to just hold you and ground you is probably one of the biggest helps I can think of. I am so glad you have someone to help you with that! Aside from that, there is a book called "Unworried: A Life Without Anxiety" by Dr. Greg Popcak that helped someone close to me. I know deep breathing, running, prayer, and hobbies help me with little moments of anxiety or stress, so maybe that would help a little for more serious cases? I also know that CBT (cognitive behavior therapy) can be very helpful fighting both anxiety and depression. There are lots of more detailed resources out there, but essentially, CBT is where you replace distorted anxious thoughts with the truth. Hope that helps! Praying for you daily! ❤


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