Who is she?

  Who am I? Who is this woman that once stood a girl fighting for her life? Who is this person with the markings all over her, with all the scars and imperfection that each tell a story? This person that's been put through hell and back but has overcome literally everything life has put in her way?? Yeah I am still trying to figure that out myself.

I know it's me Kayla, I am not crazy y’all haha I am just still recovering from my life literally being flipped upside down more than once in the last 7 years, and yes I said 7 because it all started that one faithful day at the doctor's office. I suffered from my disease, it literally destroyed my entire body leaving me to learn to love myself again and I promise you it is HARD. I am still learning to love myself today. I am a lot better at it though. I have learned that even though I have all these markings on me, scars and extra skin that I am still beautiful and worth being loved. Which my amazing Gypsy Danger does an extraordinary job of reminding me that I am worthy of that and so much more.

Learning that you have a disease that has no cure just a ton of meds to basically subside the side effects from it is a lot to digest for anyone let alone a 17 year old. But you know I took it like a champ and realized I had to grow up because I was literally learning that it was life with a transplant or death without one. Now that is an even scarier thing to digest… but again I held my head high and made sure everyone knew that I was “ok” or “fine” I would never show what I showed God at night. I made sure everyone else was okay and fine before I actually was. That's who I am as a person though, I take care of the people I care about first before myself. I know it is not healthy at all and eventually I will burn out from it (which I have already multiple times) but havent learned from it yet haha and don't think I ever will So back to who I am… Honestly I feel I am just now finding the woman I want to be. I am finding the joy in life and all of the little things life has to offer. My Gypsy Danger has helped me tremendously in finding more of myself without even knowing he was doing it. I am in love with outdoor adventure type things but don't get me wrong I am still the “lets eat some pizza while watching a movie on the couch” kinda girl. I just found that there are so many more things to do then stay inside. Which some people don’t realize I really haven't been able to do much besides staying inside a lot until recently when my body decided to somewhat act the right way, But  now that Gypsy Danger introduced me to Rock Climbing and all the different outdoor adventures we could do together I am hooked!

I’ve realized finding who you are and want to be is not that easy of a task to do if you don’t let yourself find things out by experiencing them. Also that I can keep on finding myself for as long as I want and know that that is okay to do, I don’t have to have everything figured out about myself right this minute. Although knowing more about myself and what I want now than I did months ago is the most amazing feeling in the world and I never want that taken from me again. Throughout my journey I’ve been on I’ve learned a lot some good things and some bad but through it all I still and will always overcome my disease beautifully.

My goal is still to post once a week lol!

So share with your friends,

Leave a comment, and

Stay a while!! 

I love y’all

Love, Kayla


  1. You're an amazing, adventurous, daring, deep caring person, who is not defined by the condition you have. Nor are you limited in your lifestyle by what that condition entails. You can, it's that plain and simple. You are an inspiration to so many people, who must enjoy as much as I do, watching you live your life with the word "can't" nowhere to be seen or heard in your vocabulary. Love this!!!

  2. I find your life story & the new chapters interesting. However always put God first and then yourself so you can care for others. You do have a very sweet soul for caring so much for others is a selfless act. I believe God is opening new chapters for you to tell your story. Your physical scars remind me of the scars that Jesus Christ bore on us to save us from our sins.


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