Empath for a day

 Well lately I haven’t been writing much and there is a lot that goes into that. One of the reasons is I lost my motivation to finish the blogs I had already halfway written and also lost the motivation to start any new ones. I am slowly getting it back, I just have decided to take it one step at a time and see where it all leads me. This blog I am gonna try to explain a lot in it so bare with me while we all go on this rollercoaster ride together.

So we all know I have anxiety and suffer from depression as well but along with all that I am an empath which basically means I can feel literally everyone’s emotions. Honestly it is pretty cool but there are times where I just wish I could turn it off because I am overwhelmed with all the feelings I get at once. For instance being in large crowds is hard for me at times. I am also able to take on people's negative energy and help them turn it into positive energy. It does hurt me some to do it because it is as if their energy becomes my own, But I am starting to learn how to cope with it all.

I love to help others in any possible way I can, even if it pulls me down some too. I always put others in front of myself which isn't the best thing to do at times but it's all I know honestly. Part of the downfall to being an Empath is when I feel everything all at once it can cause me to go into a major anxiety attack that is hard for me to come down from. Mainly because it likes to happen when I least expect it and I am not prepared for such strong and hard emotions to hit me all at once. I used to not see this as a gift because when I first realized what was going on I didn’t understand it at all. I didn’t like feeling everything from everyone and I just wanted it all to stop. I slowly learned though that I could use it to help others. If they’re in a bad situation I can feel it and can try my hardest to help get them out of it or atleast give them a better mind set about it all.

Now I know some of you probably don’t believe in Empaths and what all they can do and in all honesty I didn’t know what was going on at first or what an Empath was. I thought I was going crazy and was scared to reach out for help or to even see if anyone else is like me because I thought they would think I was crazy too. Finally I decided to talk about it with my friends as well as my therapist and surprisingly there are other people who are like me. When I found that out I felt so much better because I didn’t feel crazy anymore. Now I am still learning how to handle it all in a better way but it takes time, a lot of practice and as well as patience. I haven't quite figured out how to turn it off yet so that I can enjoy going out and not have to worry about anyone else's emotions or whatever they’re feeling that day but that is ok because I know in time I will be able to be in a crowd without even thinking about it. 

If you have a friend that you know is an Empath you should check up on them from time to time because I promise you we are always so busy taking care of others that we forget to take care of ourselves.This pandemic we are in isn't helping much either as it has made it a lot harder on us because we are feeling literally everything from everyone ranging from people being  sad, angry, or scared 10x more than we normally would. I know depression has been one of the hardest things for me to cope with due to so many people being depressed from staying home so much during this whole thing. I really try to do the best I can but in the end sometimes it is even too much for me to handle.

So like I said above please please please check up on your Empath friends or heck check up on all your friends. Life is hard right now and it may not go back to being easy for a while. Everyone needs everyone in their corner even if it's just someone to lean on until they can get back up on their own 2 feet again. I know for me having those people that I can just fall back on when it has been a hard day controlling all the emotions means the world to me.

My goal is still to post once a week lol!

So share with your friends,

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Stay a while!!

I love y’all

Love, Kayla


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