I am baaaaack!

So it's been a while since I've written here. Life gets so busy sometimes for me that I completely forget to write things down that I want to share with all of y'all or I will tell myself "oh i'll do it tomorrow which turns into the next day and the next day and so on... Recently I started a brand new chapter of my life and decided I wanted to get back into blogging again because I really enjoyed it when I did it before and right now I'm in the state of life where I am doing things for myself and what makes me happy. Now this blog I am going to be writing and sharing is going to have a lot of information in it about myself and will get personal at times but I have realized that sharing about me could help others that may be going through the same things as I was or even am now. SOOOO here we go!

I hope by now all of y'all know about my diagnoses and what all has happened to me within the last 6 actually almost 7 years in 12 days whoop whoop for me!! but If not here is a recap of the past 6ish years put into one. I was diagnosed at 17 with Autoimmune Hepatitis and found out 2 weeks later that I needed a liver transplant because I was in stage 4 liver failure. I waited 9 months to get it and finally got it thanks to Haley, my donor and Madelyn, my half liver sister (fly high my loves). It took almost a whole year and a half to finally just get to a "normal" (whatever that is) life and be able to do things on my own for the most part. 

So now that we got that out of the way I will share with y'all what has been going on in the last couple months of my life... 

I was in a long relationship that was not a healthy one to say for the least for me and I was finally strong enough to leave after I found out some really devastating news of what was happening behind my back. Since then I started doing therapy which has helped me sooooo much not just mentally but physically too. I also met this wonderful man (he has a name but we are just gonna go with Gypsy Danger for now because he's nerdy) who I started dating 2 months ago today!!  He (Gypsy Danger)  is the most amazing man I have ever met and been with. Its crazy how amazing being treated like a women should be treated feels like. Gypsy Danger has helped me in so many ways to with healing and becoming the women I want to be, we go rock climbing together which I never would've even thought of doing until I met him haha I've also taken a liking to The Mandalorian on Disney+. Ohhh don't worry though I have gotten him into watching Greys Anatomy which is my Tv show addiction haha! I will have to say that the mental stability I got from going to therapy, as well as talking, and being with Gypsy Danger really helped me want to get out of the house and do physical activities that I have been doing. Things in that area of my life are pretty amazing right now and I hope they stay that way for a while.

Lately the only thing that's not been the greatest is the bile duct stents I have to replace every 3 months... Back in July or August (I can't remember exactly when) I had my ERCP that I had to wait 6 months for due to the pandemic, The doctor found a really big gallstone in my bile duct that was causing me a ton of pain. They tried to get it out but it was so big that they couldn't get all of it out. So I am now on my 4th ERCP that I had today of trying to get it out and it is STILL not out! My doctor said that the next one I may have to be admitted when he is on call so he can go every other day there and try to work on getting it out since he doesn't know of another way that doesn't involve me being cut open to get it completely out. So yeah that's all been super fun for me haha The pain is just annoying at this point and I am exhausted of being in pain all the time. A lot of people don't realize that I am literally hurting 24/7... I don't look like it on the outside but there are days I just wanna sit in a ball on my bed and cry my eyes out because getting even just a single minute of being pain free would be the best thing I could ask for.  Anyways I just wanted to give everyone an update into my life and get this blog out there!! I will be writing more but just a warning some may not be the happiest ones to read but writing has always been a therapy to me and I feel writing raw things then sharing them with the world is the best kind of therapy. I am not ashamed of my mental health nor my physical health so I will be sharing all 100% of me to y'all so I hope y'all stay for a while and read with me. 

My goal is to post once a week!

So share with your friends,

Leave a comment, and

Stay a while!!

I love y'all

Love, Kayla


  1. I am happy you have a great guy in your life. Always remember what you are worth and settle for nothing less. You have been through so much that you certainly do not have to waste time with someone who does not respect you. I am sorry you have pain all the time. I hope you find a way to manage it. You do sound positive and I look forward to reading more posts. Take care sweet girl!XO Your friend from the 49th Parallel (Ladysmith, Vancouver Island, British Columbia Canada)

    1. Thank you for reading my blog!! I can’t wait to get more out for you to read! I’m from Texas lol but it’s so awesome that I have someone from Canada reading my blogs!! I hope you like my writingđź’• look for next weeks blog I’ve already started it lol


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