Non Death Day

 Years… They go by so fast, Well atleast to me they do. Memories of the previous years are pretty cool things to have as well. Some may not be the best memories and others could be the best memories yet! But, I can tell you that 7 years ago today I have one of the best memories ever.

I remember December 16th 2013 like it was literally yesterday and yes trust me I know that sounds so cliche but it's 100% true. When people have big moments in their lives they tend to remember it and occasionally down the line may forget it or it gets replaced by a better memory and there is nothing wrong with that. But, My big moment memory is a life changing one and it's one that definitely won't be forgotten ever. 

Being told you only have 9 months to live at the age of 17 is a pretty big pill to swallow lol (like what I did there?). Now I probably couldn’t tell you all 100% of what went through my mind at the time because literally my entire life as I knew it was being flipped upside down and shaken up like nothing else had before. I had plans for college and future jobs etc that I wanted to do after high school since I was at that time in my second semester of my Senior Year literally 3 months from graduation when all this happened to me.. It was a hard year for me with so many changes in my life. I went from a strong, athletic, good healthy teenager getting ready for college to a very small, no muscle, weak, unhealthy teenager in a matter of honestly weeks. Then learning that college was pretty much off the table because my body was deteriorating faster than anyone thought it would to the point I was in a wheelchair because my body was so weak I could no longer walk on my own without getting so tired I would fall was one of the hardest things to deal with especially at the age I was. To say the least that time in my life wasn't the happiest or the easiest But, I do know and understand now that God really does give His hardest battles to His strongest people because He knows they can handle it and overcome it. 

Through the whole waiting process and even afterwards I always had a ton of support from my real friends (which did not consist of many..) and family which is amazing to have. I did realize fast that not everyone was as lucky as I was to have the support I did have. Once I became a part of the sick community I found that some children didn’t have both parents or let alone even one parent there for them. I never understood how a family couldn’t support their own family member in such a time of need. I knew everyone on my floor at Texas Children's Hospital was not in the best health condition and needed either a liver or kidney transplant in order to live a somewhat normal life. Haha what am I saying nothings been normal since transplant it's all become my New Normal and I am finally okay with that. I just couldn’t imagine going through everything I did without my friends and family by my side. It was hard enough then going through it with them so I couldn't imagine nobody there for me.

In the end I’ve come to realize life is such a crazy thing that nobody has control of no matter how much they think they do. I do love having control over my life but what I went through made me learn the hard way that I was 100% NOT in control. I learned to give it to God which He helped me a lot through this too. He heard every one of my prayers and now that I look back at it He answered every single one of them. Now it may not have been in the timely manner I asked for or the exact way I wanted it but it was answered. God has control of this world and every one of our lives no matter how much we want to believe that it’s all us all the time. I now see the world in a totally new light and perspective because of facing death at the age of 17. I don’t take the little things for granted anymore and I hold onto the big things because I know how easily life can be taken away from you when you least expect it.

So that's all for this blog post haha. I know it was kind of an interesting blog post but it’s how I wanted this one to be. Today is my Non Death Day as Gypsy Danger and I now refer to it lol I’m feeling a lot of emotions today so I felt they would do better being written down here and shared with the world rather than being bottled up inside me just begging to come out. I also like the new wording for it. It's better than a second birthday honestly and that's all that should matter is how I feel it should be celebrated and talked about. I mean the wording is true, it's the day I didn't die and was given my second chance at life. So yay to my 7th year of my Non Death Day!! I hope y’all still like reading my blogs as much as I love writing them for y’all. I am finally feeling myself again after my horrible flare up! That's also why I decided to write y’all another one and then it's also my Non Death Day so I had plenty of reasons haha I hope y’all keep reading! And Remember….

My goal is still to post once a week lol!

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I love y’all

Love, Kayla


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