Flare ups at their finest

 Hey y'all so I didn't write for y'all last week like I said I would but I have my reasons lol a lot happened over the week last week and I was going to write my blog at the end of the week summarizing up my week but then my lovely autoimmune disease decided to have a flare up over the weekend! Of course it's Monday now but I'm still getting over this flare up which I'm hoping will be 100% gone by tomorrow or Wednesday at the latest. 

I haven't had a flare up in quite a while so I had kind of forgotten what they felt like… Now I will be brutally honest with y’all my flare ups suck!! They usually last just one day but this one lasted basically the entire weekend and even some today. When they happen I usually just run a low grade fever, body aches, sometimes I will get this dull annoying lower back pain that usually Tylenol will help for it to go away. Those things are usually my body's way of letting me know I need to cool it with whatever I had been doing that week or past couple days because whatever it was my body just couldn't handle the constant going, going, and going. So when that happens I normally just have a lazy day that consists of me getting my fever to go down, a lot of chicken noodle soup, ice cold cold cold water and an infinite amount of naps throughout the day. If I do all those things I’m usually good to go by the next day but will remind myself to chill out that next day to week so I don’t put my body in that flare up state again.

 This past weekend though was probably one of the worst flare ups I’ve had in a long time. My whole body ached and the lower back pain was more than just a dull ache. It was more of a sharp constant pain to my kidneys (which wasn't fun at all!) that Tylenol did absolutely NOTHING to help with the pain.. Saturday night was when this all started, my body felt feverish even though I never ran one but the body aches that hit late Saturday night told me it was definitely a flare up and that this one wasn’t going to be easy on me. Early Sunday morning around 4am I woke up with the horrible lower back pain that literally almost had me in tears. I tried different positions to lay in to see if it would help, I tried laying on the couch and even the floor to see if the different surfaces would help, Gypsy Danger even tried just rubbing my lower back but nothing seemed to help. Finally after 4 hours of nothing working I decided to just take one of my strong pain medicines and make a makeshift heating pad by running hot water on a wash rag and microwaving it for a few seconds then sealing it in a zip lock bag. I laid down with Gyspy Danger and he turned on a tv show to see if we could get my mind off the pain and FINALLY AFTER 4 AND A HALF HOURS I WAS PAIN FREE AND COULD MOVE AROUND!! I literally was so happy I could have cried lol. 

I really am lucky to have Gypsy Danger in my life. This weekend was the first time he saw one of my flare ups and of course it had to be one of the worse ones but he was so amazing to me through it! We had a lazy Sunday that consisted of pizza, Chinese food (my comfort food) and us laying in bed watching tv shows together. He really took care of me this weekend. Anything I needed he was able to get for me and he made sure I was warm enough, (because my flare ups make me have horrible chills) that I was comfortable how/where I was laying with him, and all around just able to get the rest my body desperately needed. Even today as I’m still recovering he has been taking care of me even though he has work to do. He is really the best thing that has happened to me and I will forever be grateful he came into my life. Not a lot of people will stick around or even try to understand everything I have been through or am still going through medical wise. So I feel I am a very lucky woman to have him and am able to call him mine because him wanting to understand what is going on with me is very rare. Most people can’t handle it let alone want to handle it but he takes care of me and makes sure I am safe, comfortable, not in pain and most importantly felt I am loved.

My goal is still to post once a week lol!

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I love y’all

Love, Kayla


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