
Showing posts from December, 2020

Get Out!!!

  ****TRIGGER WARNING ABUSE MENTIONED**** This blog won't be the easiest to read for some of you but I feel it should be put out there and my therapist believes telling part of my story will help me in the long run. This will be hard for me as well so bare with me as we all go on this journey together. Also this is not now, this relationship I am going to talk about is with my ex.  Abuse can happen to anyone and can be done in so many ways. There is the physical abuse then there is the verbal and mental. None of them are easy to deal with and anyone who is stuck in one or all of those situations should leave as soon as they possibly can before it gets worse because believe me it DOES get worse. You can't change that person no matter how much you try or how much you think you love them, nothing will help or change who they really are as a person so it's best to just get out of the situation. Being told to leave was one of the best advice I was ever given and I wish with all

Who is she?

   Who am I? Who is this woman that once stood a girl fighting for her life? Who is this person with the markings all over her, with all the scars and imperfection that each tell a story? This person that's been put through hell and back but has overcome literally everything life has put in her way?? Yeah I am still trying to figure that out myself. I know it's me Kayla, I am not crazy y’all haha I am just still recovering from my life literally being flipped upside down more than once in the last 7 years, and yes I said 7 because it all started that one faithful day at the doctor's office. I suffered from my disease, it literally destroyed my entire body leaving me to learn to love myself again and I promise you it is HARD. I am still learning to love myself today. I am a lot better at it though. I have learned that even though I have all these markings on me, scars and extra skin that I am still beautiful and worth being loved. Which my amazing Gypsy Danger does an extrao

Non Death Day

  Years… They go by so fast, Well atleast to me they do. Memories of the previous years are pretty cool things to have as well. Some may not be the best memories and others could be the best memories yet! But, I can tell you that 7 years ago today I have one of the best memories ever. I remember December 16th 2013 like it was literally yesterday and yes trust me I know that sounds so cliche but it's 100% true. When people have big moments in their lives they tend to remember it and occasionally down the line may forget it or it gets replaced by a better memory and there is nothing wrong with that. But, My big moment memory is a life changing one and it's one that definitely won't be forgotten ever.  Being told you only have 9 months to live at the age of 17 is a pretty big pill to swallow lol (like what I did there?). Now I probably couldn’t tell you all 100% of what went through my mind at the time because literally my entire life as I knew it was being flipped upside down

Flare ups at their finest

 Hey y'all so I didn't write for y'all last week like I said I would but I have my reasons lol a lot happened over the week last week and I was going to write my blog at the end of the week summarizing up my week but then my lovely autoimmune disease decided to have a flare up over the weekend! Of course it's Monday now but I'm still getting over this flare up which I'm hoping will be 100% gone by tomorrow or Wednesday at the latest.  I haven't had a flare up in quite a while so I had kind of forgotten what they felt like… Now I will be brutally honest with y’all my flare ups suck!! They usually last just one day but this one lasted basically the entire weekend and even some today. When they happen I usually just run a low grade fever, body aches, sometimes I will get this dull annoying lower back pain that usually Tylenol will help for it to go away. Those things are usually my body's way of letting me know I need to cool it with whatever I had been doi

I am baaaaack!

So it's been a while since I've written here. Life gets so busy sometimes for me that I completely forget to write things down that I want to share with all of y'all or I will tell myself "oh i'll do it tomorrow which turns into the next day and the next day and so on... Recently I started a brand new chapter of my life and decided I wanted to get back into blogging again because I really enjoyed it when I did it before and right now I'm in the state of life where I am doing things for myself and what makes me happy. Now this blog I am going to be writing and sharing is going to have a lot of information in it about myself and will get personal at times but I have realized that sharing about me could help others that may be going through the same things as I was or even am now. SOOOO here we go! I hope by now all of y'all know about my diagnoses and what all has happened to me within the last 6 actually almost 7 years in 12 days whoop whoop for me!! but If